The Trout

Asset Plan

What are the connections between language, literature, and music?

  • Overview

    This Asset Plan focuses on the connections between music and language while introducing students to melodic composition. As in most plans students are also given the opportunity to develop their performance skills. This plan ties in closely to skills students taught during music theory and piano lab.

    The summative task of the unit is performing an original melody based on the poem ’The Trout.’ The performance will require singing and playing the piano. The formative tasks involve performing a previously known folk song with original lyrics, determining the rhythm of a poem, and assessing music for good melodic compositional technique.

  • Learning Goals

    How will we build towards the answer?

    • Explore and practice the steps in the creative process.
    • Explore and practice the fundamentals of good melodic composition.
    • Discuss the connections between language and music.
    • Determine the musical rhythm of a poem and express it in notation.
    • Compose an original work that melodically and rhythmically fits ‘The Trout’ poem.
    • Perform your composition in class using voice and accompaniment.

    How will this learning help outside of music?

    • Practicing the creative process will help you take advantage of creative opportunities.
    • Identifying and exploring the connections between music and language will improve your linguistic skills.
    • Transcribing rhythm and melody improves your aural acuity making you a better listener. 
    • Performing in front of others makes you more confident expressing yourself in front of others.
  • Know Before you Go

    You need to understand the following concepts before you attempt to use this asset plan. If you don't understand click the item to learn more.

    Rhythm & Beat Basics

    Melody Basics

    Melodic Transcription

  • Assessments

    Below is a list of the assessments for this plan and links to the assessment pages.


    Altered Folk Song

    Alter the text of an existing song while honoring the flow of language and beat stress of the time signature. Perform your variation in front of others.

    Poetry Rhythm & Language

    Determine the rhythm of a work of poetry and express it successfully in music notation.

    Melodic Analysis

    Identify basic compositional techniques behind good melodies.


    The Trout Notation

    Provide written notation of your work including lyrics, rhythmic and melodic notation.

    The Trout Performance

    Perform your composition in front of the class using voice and piano.

  • Standards

    Below are the MENC standards that the following Asset Plan supports.

    Standard 4

    Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines.

    Standard 9

    Understand the relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

Assessment Documents

Use the arrows at the left and right to cycle trough the major resources for this Asset Plan such as documents, rubrics, and example projects.